berkaitan dengan suara-suara binatang yang membuat kombinasi tertentu dari huruf memiliki asosiasi suara tertentu dalam bahasa Inggris, ini dia ada sedikit contohnya sapatau berguna :
"gr-" at beginning of a word can suggest something unpleasant or misserable,
example; groan, grumble, grumpy, grunt, growl.
"cl-" at begining of a word can suggest something sharp or metallic.
example: click, clang, clank, clash, clink, clip-clop.
"sp-" at begining of a word can have association with water or other liquids or powders , e.g splash [cause aliquid to fly about in droups]
spit [send liquid out from the mouth],splutter [make a series of spitting sounds],spray[liquid send trough the air in tiny drops either by the
wind or some instrument],sprinkle [throw a shower of something onto a surface],spurt [come out in a sudden burts]
"ash-"at the andof a word can suggest something fant and violent,e.g.smash [break violently into small pieces].dash [movw or be moved violently],crash [strike sundenlay violently into small pieces], dash [move be moved violently ], crash [strike sundenly violently and noisily ], bask [strike heavily so as yo break or injure], gash [a loong deep cut or wound].
"wh-"at the begining of a word often suggests yhe mofment of air, e.g. whistle [a high piched noise made by forcing air or steam through a small opening],whirr [sound like a brid's wings moving raplidly], whizz [make the
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