Expression invitation is used to inviting or accepting and refusing the invitation
and this is the expression of invitation

1.The expresions of making an invitation
and this is the expression of invitation
1.The expresions of making an invitation
-i’d like to invite you
to dinner next....
-I was wondering if you’d
like to......
-We’re going to have a
few friends over on Wenesday, and we’d love you to come, Are you free on Saturday? Would you like...?
-How about dinner?
-Let’s go to.......
2. The expression of accepting invitation
-Thank you, i’d love to
-That would be wonderul
-Yes, thank you, what
-Thanks, i’d love to
-All right
3. The expression of
refusing invitation
-i’m awful sorry, but i
have otherplans
-I wish I could, but.....
-I’d really to but....
-Sorry, i’ve already made
plans for Saturday
-Sorry, have to...
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