Expression invitation is used to inviting or accepting and refusing the invitation
and this is the expression of invitation

1.The expresions of making an invitation
-i’d like to invite you to dinner next....
-I was wondering if you’d like to......
-We’re going to have a few friends over on Wenesday, and we’d love you to come, Are you free on Saturday? Would you like...?
-How about dinner?
-Let’s go to.......

2. The expression of accepting invitation
-Thank you, i’d love to
-That would be wonderul
-Yes, thank you, what time?
-Thanks, i’d love to
-All right

3. The expression of refusing invitation
-i’m awful sorry, but i have otherplans
-I wish I could, but.....
-I’d really to but....
-Sorry, i’ve already made plans for Saturday
-Sorry, have to...

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