Expression agreement and disagreement (ungkapan setuju/tidak setuju)
Ungkapan setuju/tidak setuju (Expression agreement and disagreement) digunakan untuk menyatakan apakah seseorang setuju atau tidak setuju atas sebuah idea tau opini dari orang lain.
• Ungkapan setuju (expressing agreement)
Contoh :
- I agree with her opinion.
- I can go along with that
- I think so
- That’s what I want to say
- I’m with you
- I’m on your/his side
- I buy that idea.
• Ungkapan tidak setuju (expressing disagreement)
- I disagree with you.
- I can’t go along with you.
- I don’t think so.
- I wouldn’t say that.
Ungkapan setuju/tidak setuju (Expression agreement and disagreement) digunakan untuk menyatakan apakah seseorang setuju atau tidak setuju atas sebuah idea tau opini dari orang lain.
• Ungkapan setuju (expressing agreement)
Contoh :
- I agree with her opinion.
- I can go along with that
- I think so
- That’s what I want to say
- I’m with you
- I’m on your/his side
- I buy that idea.
• Ungkapan tidak setuju (expressing disagreement)
- I disagree with you.
- I can’t go along with you.
- I don’t think so.
- I wouldn’t say that.

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