Dialog opini adalah dialog yang saling mengutarakan pendapat tentang satu hal. jadi masing masing punya opini sendiri-sendiri. Biasanya menggunakan kata in my opinion, in my view, I thnk dan sebagainya.
1. Expressing Opinions:
I think……
I feel……..
I believe…….
As I see it……..
In my opinion…….
As far as I'm concerned……
My point of view is that…….
In my view……..
It seems to me that……..
I figure that…….
From my point of view……
2. Agreeing with an Opinion:
My view about this is positive.
I agree with this idea.
I agree completely with this idea.
I agree partially with this idea.
This idea is absolutely right.
This idea is partially right.
I couldn't agree more on this.
I think this idea is good
3. Disagreeing with an Opinion:
I think this idea is impossible/impractical/bad.
I think this idea is possible, but……
I think this idea cannot be implemented.
I don't agree with this idea.
I think it is a bad idea.
I'm not sure that I agree with this idea.
The project is feasible, but…….
1 Komentar
Kok cuma dikit pembahsnnya,lbh dilngkpin lagi dong !!!! Biar lbih mantappp !!!.... di tunggu ya,yg lbih lngkp...