ekspression ini digunakan apabila kita menanyakan pekerjaan dan latar belakang pendidikan sesorang (biasanya digunakan dalam melamar pekerjaan).

this is the sample....
1. Job Description
a. Asking some one's job description
formal informal
could you tell me what your duties are? what are you duties?t
I would like to know whether you know about your responsibility what is your responsibility?
can you tell me what your task is? what is your task
I would like to know about what you have to do what do you have to do?

b. Telling about one's job description
- receive guests and in-coming phone calls
- A PR officer is a responsible for building a good relationship
- My duties are to offer the menu and to take the orders.
- My task is to repair the car's engine
- I have to make financial reports.

2. Educational Background
a. Asking some one's job educational background
formal informal
could you tell me a litlle about your educational background? what is your educational background?
can you tell me where you graduated from? where didi you graduate from?
I would like to know about your major what is your major?
I would like to know where you study where do you study?

b. Telling about one's educational background
 - I graduated from a secretarial collage
 - I have a degre in technical enginering
 - I majored in accounting
 - My major is medical wifery.
 -I study in a Hotel and Tourism School.

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