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- WHO replaces nouns and pronouns that refer to people.
Rel. Pro.
Combined sentences
Mr. Tom is my
He works at City Bank
Mr. Tom Who works at City Bank is my Father
- WHOM replaces nouns and pronouns that refer to people.It can be the object of a verb or preposition. It cannot be the subject of a verb.
Rel. Pro.
Combined sentences
Jack is a
best students
I saw him
Jack whomI saw yesterday is a best students
- WHICH replaces nouns and pronouns that refer to animals or things. It cannot replace nouns and pronouns that refer to people.
Rel. Pro.
Combined sentences
The car is expensive
I bought it
last month
The car which I
bought last month is expensive
- THAT replaces nouns and pronouns that refer to people, animals or things. It can be the subject of a verb. It can also be the object of a verb or preposition (but that cannot follow a preposition; whom, which, and whose are the only relative pronouns that can follow a preposition).
- WHOSE replaces possessive forms of nouns and. It can refer to people. It can be part of a subject or part of an object of a verb or preposition, but it cannot be a complete subject or object. Whose cannot be omitted. Here are examples with whose:
The man is happy. + I
found the man’s wallet.
The man whose
wallet I found is happy.
The girl is excited. +
Her mother won the lottery.
The girl whose
mother won the lottery is excited.
- WHEN replaces a time (in + year, in + month, on + day,...). It cannot be a subject. It can be omitted. Here is an example with when:
I will never forget the day, I graduated on that
I will never forget the day when I graduated.
The same meaning can be
expressed in other ways:
I will never forget the day on which I graduated.
I will never forget the day that I graduated.
I will never forget the day I graduated.
- WHERE replaces a place (in + country, in + city, at + school,...). It cannot be a subject. It can be omitted but a preposition (at, in, to) usually must be added. Here is an example with where:
building is new. + He works in the building.
The building where he works is
same meaning can be expressed in other ways:
The building in which he works is
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